Sharon Milne is an online vector artist who typically goes under the alias of "ChewedKandi". I found her through DeviantArt as she is currently the Vector Gallery Moderator on DeviantArt. You can see why DeviantArt chose her to moderate this gallery... The details in her work are simply out of this world. The lips on the first picture look extremely realistic when seen up close, including the shading around the eyes and nose... If this woman wasn't purple it would probably be similar to a photograph. In the second image you can almost count the strands of hair in the eyebrows and eyelashes. There are even MORE strands of hair in the third one. It looks as if she has created a path for every single strand of hair... I can only imagine this being equivalent to chinese water torture. Something else I like about her work is that though she vectors from real life she will often distort the image just a little bit (making the eyes bigger, changing the colors, adding different features such as long ears and nails). I like how that kind of little adjustment can really make a killer piece.
Her skill is simply amazing but I find her work a tad boring. It has very little emotional value. She has some works that shine out from the rest but in general I see very little deeper hidden meaning behind her work. It is almost as if it is a gallery of "skill" rather than "feeling". Though I enjoy the technique and the skill level, I prefer pictures with more emotional value.
Nonetheless I follow her religiously on DeviantArt. Why? Because I have been referring to her work as I create my own vector. Since her artwork is so detailed I can get ideas about how to shade and create details in my own vector. Not only that but she has a wide selection of tutorials and resources for vector artists to use so we can see, step by step, how she has created a vector. On top of that but she brings together the vector community and helps point vector artists in the direction they need to go if they want to learn something knew. She is an excellent source to turn to when creating a vector image. I suggest that everyone take a look at some of her tutorials and I will certainly refer back to them in the future.
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